Shreenathji Gaushala is 3 Km away from his haveli. It is surrounded by hills and also lots of open ground. Whenever Shrinathji’s Haveli was built, then Shrinathji Gaushala was also planned. In this Gaushala there are thousands of cows and many guwals to take care of them.
Anyone’s visit to Shrinathji is incomplete without a visit to this shreenathji Gaushala. The cows from Nandvans are located in Gaushala. In Nathdwara, Gaushalas are located at Nathuwas, Baagol, Salor, Mogaanaa, Ghasiyaar, Nichli Odan, Upali Odan, etc.
Lord Krishna’s Cows eat grass on various grass fields (Bidaa) located in and around Nathdwara. The various grass fields of Lord Shree Krishna are Nathuwas, Bada Bidaa, Salor, Gonduvada, Baagol, Vyaal, Taatol, Ghasiyaar, Morgan, Shishodiya, Khatukda, Bada Magra, Karmela, etc.
For information about Shrinathji Temple Darshan time
Shrinathji Temple (Nathdwara) Daily Darshan Time
For information about Giriraj Parikrama